
Barbara P

"excellent presenter and material"

Madeline V

"Loved this - very helpful in reframing my view of ADHD, providing high level information about brain function and diagnostic criteria as well as practical practice insights. I will likely view this again to get all the info I missed. "

Julie G

"excellent program"

Lisa L

"This was one of the best classes I have taken in 15 years. Thanks for the relevant information. "

Joanne S

"excellent and very useful!"

Dee A

"It was excellence!!!"

Jennifer G

"I always learn a great deal from Dr. Barkley's presentations. I appreciate how concise he is with the information. I will most definitely choose more of his courses. "

Kelli A

"One of my favorite courses in a long time, thank you!"

Jennifer K

"Very, useful, interesting seminar. Well put together."

Jonathan W

"Awesome, practical content."